Can Counseling Really Help Me Cope with Stress?
Let’s face it: Life can be really stressful! There is family, social obligations, work, school, and the myriad of emergencies and surprises that can befall a person suddenly. Short-term stress is a normal experience that we all endure at some point or another in our lives. After some time, the symptoms of stress will subside, and life resumes as normal. But for some people, life seems to be a never-ending cycle of stress and stressors. Counseling can help a person to conquer long-term and persistent stress so that people can live the best versions of their lives.
Addressing the Signs of Stress
You already know how it feels to be stressed, but you might be exhibiting other signs of stress that could put your health and well-being in jeopardy. Some of these signs and symptoms include, but are not limited to:
Depression and/or anxiety
Difficulty concentrating
Mood swings and irritability
Difficulty relaxing
Changes in appetite
Lower self-esteem
The use of drugs and/or alcohol to “self-medicate” or relax
Muscle tension that causes aches and pains
Nausea and dizziness
A diminished sex drive
It’s remarkable just how much stress can impact a person’s ability to live their day-to-day life, isn’t it? You might not even realize just how stressed you are, much less how that stress is making changes to your behavior and health.
A counselor can help you to address these signs. Their expertise in the subject will help their patients to identify the physical and mental signs of persistent stress. This allows patients to learn and make use of coping tools and strategies that will help them to thrive and flourish beyond their stress.
An Honest Perspective
All too often, a person can’t or refuses to address the causes of their stress. They might think that it’s “not so bad,” or that they aren’t dealing with anything out of the ordinary. They may even be afraid that they are somehow to blame for what’s going on and the guilt compounds their worry. Whatever the circumstances may be, a counselor is often integral in helping stressed-out kids and adults to gain a fresh and honest perspective.
An outsider, someone who isn’t personally biased in a person’s favor or against it, may be able to more accurately perceive the patient than their friends or family. People close to the stressed-out person may not be 100% honest with their loved one, perhaps out of fear of conflict or not wanting to hurt their feelings. A counselor doesn’t feel inclined to be so reserved, though they will deliver their perspective tactfully.
Learn Techniques to Help you Cope
It’s not enough to identify the causes and symptoms of stress. That’s only half the battle. The other half includes learning how to cope with stress when it appears in a person’s life. Stress is sometimes unavoidable, but that doesn’t mean that a person must simply grit their teeth and endure the symptoms as they appear. Part of a counselor’s job is to help their patients learn coping techniques to help them in life.
There are many, many ways to deal with short and long-term stress. However, not every method works for every person. With the help of a certified and experienced counselor, a person can learn the methods that are most effective for them, their symptoms, and their circumstances.
If you are burdened by stress that never seems to go away or disrupts your way of life, know that there is no shame in seeking the help of a mental health professional to get through it. Many people get the help of counselors when they are struggling against stress and come out of the process much better for it.
Call Dr. Clare Albright, Psy.D., Psychologist CA License PSY11660 at (949)454-0996 at