You may be nervous to seek out the help of another person. You may want to deal with your problems all by yourself. But Dr. Albright can help you with many different types of problems. You don't’ have to suffer alone anymore, she can give you the support you need.
Maybe you’re on the right track in life and want to help make good habits. Or maybe you’ve hit rock bottom and don’t know where to turn. Whether your lost and all alone, or seeking to climb even higher in life, Dr. Albright can help you with many situations, including the following:
Life Coaching: A life coach’s purpose is to help you become the best version of yourself. They will help you identify and use your strengths. They will help you stay motivated and help you encounter challenges in your life. If you’re trying to become a more motivated, productive, and mindful person, a life coach might be for you!
Executive Coaching: Executive coaching helps leaders of business to improve their skills. This can help them advance in their career and lead their business to even better production and worker happiness. If you are a business leader who’s looking to be promoted or improve your leadership, seek out an executive coach for help.
Anxiety: Most people experience at least a minor sense of anxiety at some point during their lives. This is natural, as life is often stressful and overwhelming. But nearly 18% of people are diagnosed with some sort of anxiety disorder through their life. This is anxiety that leaves you unable to live a normal life and may put your relationships and job in danger. Three of the most common types of anxiety are generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and panic attacks.
Generalized: Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a constant, daily worry about little things with no reason for the worry. You may have trouble sleeping, be depressed, and feel a constant weight or tightness in your chest. You spend most of your day worrying about one thing or another. Generalized Anxiety Disorder can develop both in childhood and as an adult. It usually happens after a traumatic event or time of extreme change. Dealing with it by yourself can be extremely difficult. If you seek out professional help, you can have the tools you need to move beyond it and take control of your life.
Social: Social Anxiety Disorder is the extreme fear of unfamiliar or new social encounters. This means that meeting new people, talking to strangers on the phone, or being in crowds can make you feel very scared and even make you feel paralyzed. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a common way to treat this and seeking help can help you have a life full of friendship and normal social interaction.
Panic Attacks: A panic attack is a feeling of overwhelming anxiety that causes shortness of breath, a pounding heart, and fear that you can’t overcome. If this happens frequently, it could be a panic disorder. It usually leaves a person unable to leave their bed or house and keeps them from a social life.Seeking the help of a trained psychologist can help you overcome these attacks and take back control of your life.
Driving Phobia: The ability to drive affects nearly every aspect of our lives. When a person suffers from a huge fear of driving, it can make them unable to engage in the world around them. When you seek help for this, you’ll gain coping tools to overcome the fear and be able to drive. This may include learning a calming mantra.
Sexual Assault: Whether you were sexually assaulted as a child or an adult, it can have a lasting, traumatic impact on you. Sexual assault is any touch or exposure that you do not give explicit permission for. If you were sexually assaulted, it is not your fault! If you find a mental health professional, they can help you deal with this traumatic experience and regain a sense of control for your life.
PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder occurs when a person suffers a very stressful or emotionally damaging situation. Rape, war, even divorce can cause a person to suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Symptoms include anxiety, trouble sleeping, flashbacks, and avoidance of things that remind you of the experience. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can destroy your life if you don’t seek help. Once you’re given the tools to conquer it, however, you can live a normal, happy life.
Grief: Dealing with death can be one of the hardest, but most common, experiences. Whether the person died quickly or slowly, you can miss them and have trouble accepting their death and moving on. This is ok and completely natural. While we all heal at our own pace, grief can become a problem if it is not dealt with. Seeking grief counseling can help you move past and deal with your sadness while still honoring the memory of the person who died. If you’ve recently lost someone, seeking help can be a great way to let them go with love.
Anger Management: If your anger has affected your relationships or other important things. You may benefit from anger management. Anger management will help you control your anger and act in ways that will not harm you and others. If you’ve been court mandated for anger management or have seen anger have bad effects in your life, Dr. Clare Albright can help you.
ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics): If you grew up in an alcoholic household, therapy can help you heal from your traumatic experiences and help you break the cycle of substance abuse. Even if you don’t believe you’ve suffered by growing up in an alcoholic home, seeking help may keep new problems from arising.
CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy): CBT is a tool to help you heal from almost any mental illness. The counselor will work with you to develop good habits. This will help you have the lifelong ability to deal with stress and other negative emotions. While it may take a while, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is one of the most effective ways to help overcome any problem that may come up in your life.
Emotional Support Animals: Emotional support animals can be prescribed to help you deal with emotional challenges such as anxiety. Sometimes just looking into the eyes of your dog can calm scary feelings. They do not need to be specially trained, but many airlines and landlords will require a note from your therapist.
Divorce Counseling: If you are going through a divorce, seeing a therapist may help you deal with the emotional problems. It can also help prevent any long-term effects from the traumatic experience of divorce. If you are going, or about to go through, a divorce, don’t do it alone! Seek support.
Sports Psychology: If you are an athlete, a sports psychologist can help you tackle the challenges you face inside and out. Between support, visualization, and overcoming doubts, a sports psychologist can help you become a better overall athlete and person.
College Students: College students are susceptible to most of the same mental challenges as adults. Plus, they deal with a lot of stress, time management, and complicated relationships. If you are a college student, seeking professional help can help you manage all these things so you can get the most out of your college career.
Codependency: Codependency is when you enable bad behavior in a relationship because you feel you can’t live without the other person. Usually, this is physical or substance abuse. If you cannot function without a relationship, you may be codependent. Therapy can help you become happier and independent.
Mindfulness: Mindfulness is the practice of being aware of your thoughts, emotions, and actions. It can help you understand and control them all. It can help you reduce shopping addictions, over eating, help you exercise more, and can help you live a more fulfilling life.
Self-esteem: Self-esteem is the way you talk about yourself and the value you give yourself. People with low self-esteem tend to suffer from other mental disorders. People with high self-esteem are more successful, happier, and find healthy relationships. Seeing a mental health professional can help you love yourself more and be more confident.
Parenting: Parenting can be one of the most difficult things you do in life. It can cause you to have a lot of stress, lack of sleep, and self doubt. It can also be very stressful to a marriage. If you feel your children are out of control, you don’t know how to parent, or you and your partner disagree about how to parent, therapy may be for you.
Insomnia: Lack of sleep can make living your life difficult. It can make you prone to stress and anger and hurt your relationships and your job. It could be caused by any number of physical or mental illnesses which a professional therapist can help solve. Insomnia isn’t just trouble falling asleep--it can be waking up at night, waking up too early, or not getting the quality of sleep you need.
Stress: Stress is the common feeling of being overwhelmed and out of control. While stress can be good, it can also cause many health problems and keep you from being happy. Working with a therapist can help you get the tools to deal with stress in a healthy, productive way. You can never fully be rid of stress, but you can change it and make it work for you.
Seeking Help
Most people could benefit from seeing a counselor at some point in their life. Even if you’re able to deal with most of your problems yourself, having a dedicated partner can help you remain healthy and even get ahead.
If you’re healthy, but just want someone to help you become a powerhouse who will get the most out of life, consider a life or executive coach. College students can also get the most out of their college experience by having someone to help them through it. Even the best people need help sometimes.
Getting help can be even more scary if you’re living with anxiety, PTSD, trauma -- all these things can make it even harder for you to get help. What will people think? Can I afford it? Will the therapist judge me? All of these are valid questions.
Dr. Clare Albright has shown to be a kind, understanding individual who is dedicated to helping you through whatever problem you have. It may take some time to give you the tools you need to heal, but she will be there through the whole journey.
You do not have to be scared to seek help. It may be the most important and life changing decision you ever make, and Dr. Albright is extremely capable. Reach out to her for help and take charge of your life once again.
Call Dr. Clare Albright, Psy.D. Clinical Psychologist CA License PSY11660 at 949-454-0996 or go to http://DrCAlbright.com